You probably recall the record breaking back-to-back Artic blast storms we experienced in Mississippi this past February, with temperatures below zero for almost a week.  I do, as this strangely enough was my introduction to Shower Power.  A local non-profit, Shower Power, was initiating an emergency call for help to donate $50(this was about average what they could get a hotel room for) to save a life.  Homeless people sleeping overnight on the streets in these conditions was a death sentence.  This sparked my interest, and this summer I started volunteering on Friday mornings at Shower Power on June 11, 2021 and had no idea what I was walking into.  I sorted clothes, essential supplies (like toothpaste, etc.), served food, met great people like Maddie and Jarred, who impacted me as a person and helped me learn how much larger than providing a shower this ministry really has become.  All of the items I had been sorting for weeks were placed into supply bags that are given out on an as needed basis to those supported by the ministry.  The last time I volunteered there, I was able to fill the supply bags and distribute them to those in need.  I saw the pieces of the puzzle all come together with the joy it provided to those who received it, and if filled my heart with joy. 

Since Shower Power operates on Friday mornings and school has started back, I am unable to serve.  I thought to myself, how can I continue to support this ministry that means so much to me. With between 700 and 1000 homeless people in the Jackson Metro area alone, and with most shelters closed or on limited status due to COVID, it made me think about how to be prepared to help when a future need arises. 

Whether it is an ice storm or one of life’s storms like running from an abusive situation, or a single mother with 3 kids whose apartment has burned to the ground leaving them with nothing but hope and the love and support of the people at Shower Power. You can help out by donating on the donation link on this page or donate items to Shower Power directly. Shower Power is in need of mens shoes and bug repellent currently and anything helps. Thanks for your consideration.

Barton Boyll, Jackson Academy Senior 

* Shower Power is a 501c(3) tax-exempt organization and your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Any amount helps, and there is an option to give smaller amounts and monthly if interested.  

How To Support

Click here to support the Project 58seven campaign for Shower Power,

and BE SURE to select Project 58seven from the drop-down menu.